
  • Chipper Funeral Directors

    Donald John Chipper established this business in Perth in 1889 and it continues today. The Chipper burial forms are the earliest known surviving funeral records for Perth and copies can be found through the Church of Latter Day Saints or through Chippers direct.

    103 Norma Road, Myaree Western Australia 6154.

  • Father Edward Doncaster

    Father Ted has a keen interest in Western Australia's past and as an early example of his skill in researching and analysing information in 1951 he compiled a detailed index to names on more than 1,000 graves in the Church of England portion of East Perth Cemeteries. For almost sixty years Father Ted has researched and written on the histories of many of Western Australia's Church of England and Anglican parishes, biographies of key figures in the Church as well as many other related topics. At last count the State Library of Western Australia holds 32 of his published and unpublished works written from 1950 to 2008.

  • Graham Bown

    Graham is the immediate past president of the Western Australian Genealogical Society. His membership extends for over 30 years and he has been actively involved in the Society's Special Interest Group Swan River Pioneers 1828-1839. As research officer for this group he has transcribed and indexed many documents relating to the early years of the Colony. He is also a committee member of the Friends of Battye Library.

  • Joy Reindl

    Joy was a member of the then Friends of East Perth Cemeteries in the 1990s and during this time produced a comprehensive set of records on the burials in the Cemeteries. She kindly donated these records for use in this project.

  • National Trust of Western Australia

    The National Trust has been the custodian of East Perth Cemeteries on behalf of the community and government of Western Australia since 1976.

    The collection of information and support with the management of the Cemeteries has been with the support of the following volunteers: Mary Andrews, Brian Anderson, Ron Barratt, Mavis Bailey, Shirley Babis, Kylie Bacon, Jan Barker, Pat Bentley, John Bissett, Ronice Blair, John Breedveld, Ross Callaway, Pat Campbell, Francis Carson, Helen Carter, Colin Caughey, Jenny Cocks, Phil Cooper, Robin Creswell, Don Cruden, Carolyn Denham-Shade, Graeme Gerrans, Ros Golding, Murray Hewett, Val Hilton, Val Hogan, John James, Thelma Jones, Pat Keillor, Heather Leaney, Barbara Lee, Jeannie Lofts, Rhonda Meloncelli, Flora Mcdonald, Wendy Mcdonnell, Sheryl Milentis, Barbara Miller, Pauline Miller, Lyall Page, Lynda Pettit, Edna Pritchard, Joy Reindl, Phil Rennie, Bev Roseveare, Carol Sharp, Pat Spirek, Beryl Stuart, Eric Stuart, Gillian Stephens and Shirley Yates.

    Special thanks to Jennifer Muir, Sandra Stock, Brian Anderson, Colin Caughey, Jan Barker, Val Hogan and Shirley Babis.

    The Old Observatory
    PO Box 1162
    West Perth WA 6872
    Phone: (08) 9321 6088
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Royal Perth Hospital Museum

    Royal Perth Hospital Museum was formerly established in 1989 for the preservation and display of items associated with the Hospital’s historic past. The Museum houses a variety of medical instruments, equipment, historical archives and photographs. These historic items are available for research to the public and general interest. Selected items are displayed in the Victoria Square entrances, to encourage public interest, communication and education. The museum staff continue to collect the Hospital’s vast social and medical history, particularly as new medical innovations occur and old equipment is decommissioned.

    M Block Level 2
    Murray Street Perth 6001
    Phone: 9224 3433
    Office Hours: Monday –Thursday 9am – 2pm
    Open: Wednesday and Thursday 9am – 2pm

  • Ron Bodycoat Heritage Architect

    Specialist in conservation works, adaptation, heritage assessments, conservation plans and expert opinions.

    Suite 17, 10 Johnston Street Cottesloe WA 6011
    Phone: (08) 9384 6166
    Fax: (08) 9385 2341
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Royal Western Australian Historical Society

    The Royal Western Australian Historical Society (Inc) was formed in 1926 to give present and future generations access to the history of Western Australia. In just over 80 years the Society has grown from a small group of people interested in preserving the history of Western Australia to one with a royal charter, the home of a fascinating museum with a unique art collection, an extensive reference library, a boutique bookshop and a photographic collection.

    Its mission is to: foster interest in and enjoyment of Western Australian history, foster and promote research, writing and publication about all aspects of Western Australian history, recognise outstanding achievement in Western Australian historical research, education and publication, be recognised as a leader in the promotion of the history of Western Australia, cooperate with all others in the field in the study and promotion of the history of Western Australia, be a recognised resource for Western Australian history to complement State collections, be recognised as an advocate in the conservation and promotion of the State's cultural heritage, encourage and support local affiliated societies throughout the State.

    Stirling House
    49 Broadway, Nedlands WA 6009
    Phone 08 9386 3841
    Fax 08 9386 3309
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Opening times 10am to 4pm weekdays

  • State Library of Western Australia

    The State Library of Western Australia is a research, reference and public lending library. It is a portfolio agency of the Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts, and controlled by the Library Board of Western Australia.

    The State Library has particular responsibility for collecting and preserving Western Australia's documentary heritage. The J. S. Battye Library of West Australian History is the section of the library dedicated to West Australiana.

    Alexander Library Building
    James Street West Entrance
    Perth Cultural Centre
    Perth WA 6000
    Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 8.00pm
    Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm
    Saturday - Sunday 10.00am - 5.30pm
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • State Records Office

    The State Records Office of Western Australia is the Western Australian public records authority with responsibility for managing, preserving and providing access to the State's records. The State Records Office operates as an independent Government agency within the Department of Culture and the Arts. The State Records Office of Western Australia is responsible for: providing records management and archival services to government agencies; preserving archival records; providing reference services for researchers.

    The State Records Office delivers records management and archival services to State and Local Government agencies and the general public. Training, consultancy advice and standards development are provided to improve the quality of records management practices throughout government. Policies, guidelines and instructional publications are produced to promote and implement a government-wide approach to best practice recordkeeping in the two jurisdictions. Furthermore, the State Records Office ensures that the public has access to State archives through the provision of a purpose built Search Room in the Alexander Library Building.

    Ground Floor
    Alexander Library Building
    James Street West Entrance
    Perth Cultural Centre
    Perth WA 6000
    Opening Hours Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 4.30pm
    Phone: (08) 9427 3600
    Fax: (08) 9427 3638
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Swan Genealogy

    Lorraine Clarke and Cherie Strickland have for the past thirty years (cumulative) been involved in researching and compiling family histories, this led to the beginning of Swan Genealogy in 2005.

    Cherie was previously the WAGS Bookshop Officer, Projects Officer and Vice President; Lorraine was previously the WAGS Treasurer, Awards Officer and Vice President and currently Convenor of the Western Australian Special Interest Group (WAGS).

    As Swan Genealogy, they have researched for Jacqueline O’Brien and Pamela Statham-Drew on both The Wittenoom Way and Court on Camera, Gwambygine heritage homestead, Shenton Family for June Shenton-Turner, Clarence Enigma for Ruth Marchant James and Pamela Statham-Drew. A number of heritage buildings for Ron Bodycoat Heritage Architect. They have produced for and on behalf of WAGS 12 CDs on various early pioneer databases.

    P.O. Box 1988
    Wangara DC 6947

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Uniting Church Archives

    The Uniting Church Archives is responsible for the collection and preservation of historical records from the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and from the Uniting Church. These records are made available to the public, both at the Archives office and at the Battye Library, so that the people may understand the importance of the role of the Church, in its own right and in the context of Western Australian history. Archives are run by a dedicated team of volunteers co-ordinated by Sheena Hesse, Archivist.

    91 Edward Street, Perth WA 6000
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Opening Hours: Monday and Friday. 10.00am – 3.00pm.
    Please phone ahead.
    Phone: (08) 9227 6427 Fax: (08) 9227 6416

  • Familyhistorywa

    The Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc. (now FamilyHistoryWA) is the largest society of its type in Western Australia. It has been incorporated to assist members in researching family history in Western Australia, as well as all corners of the world. The Society was formed on the 1st January 1979 with the aim to promote, encourage and foster the study, science and knowledge of genealogy.

    Its main objective encompasses many other secondary objectives, such as transcribing and indexing records and provides a forum for people with a common interest in family history. The Society has a large family history lending library which enables members to borrow books on their areas of interest and or research. The library enables members and visitors to conduct their own research using the facilities, which include books, CD-ROMs microfiche, microfilm, and connections to the Internet.

    The Society also conducts education courses, seminars, lectures and workshops of on a wide range of topics, to assist members in learning more about their areas of interest. It utilises the expertise of local, interstate and international speakers. Special Interest Groups have members who specialise in particular areas of interest, assist each other, and are there to help other members in overcoming difficulties that arise in research.

    6/48 May Street
    Phone: (08) 9271 4311
    Fax: (08) 9379 1572
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special thanks...

Lorraine Clarke and Cherie Strickland

Thank you to Lorraine Clarke and Cherie Strickland as members of and in conjunction with the Friends of Battye Library Inc. for collating this single database from numerous existing datasets.

Brought to you by:

National Trust of Western Australia


Friends of the Battye Library (Inc)

  • East Perth Cemeteries

    Bronte St
    East Perth WA 6004

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