CHAN, Hookham
The location of this burial site is unknown or our records are incomplete.
Name CHAN, Hookham Date of death 19 March 1903 Burial date 20 March 1903 Age 90 years Cause of death Senility and Bronchitis Place of death 134 Fitzgerald Street Perth -
Headstone? No Inscription Monument Style -
Birth details 17 April 1813 Lahore India Arrival date 12 October 1829 per Cumberland Spouse Hannah Seebi Suli Solomon Marriage details 1859 Perth; Registration No 1344 Parents Children Tackoo 1851; William 1854; Julia Rosanna JACKSON 1856; Alfred 1863; Dhan Ann 1863; Matthew 1863; Nathan Luke 1865; John 1869 Residence Perth Biography/history Arrived in the colony as the servant of J L Morley; employed by the government on public works; cabinet maker Murray Street Perth 1870-1881; Funeral left sons residence Mr William CHAN 134 Fitzgerald Street Perth -
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Official Records