BULLOUGH, Bullough
The location of this burial site is unknown or our records are incomplete.
Name BULLOUGH, Bullough Date of death 07 July 1868 Burial date 15 July 1868 Age 60 years Cause of death Place of death -
Headstone? No Inscription Monument Style -
Birth details 1807 Arrival date 07/05/1851 per Mermaid Spouse 1st Sophia; 2nd Mary George Marriage details 2nd 05/10/1862 Perth Parents Children 1st Laurence 1830; Adam 1832; Abraham 1834; William 1836; Esther 1840; Mary Ann 1846; Elleen 1849 Residence Biography/history Convict No 296; Self employed tanner and mason's labourer; Conviction Liverpool 1849 receiving stolen goods 14 years; Ticket of Leave 21/08/1852; Conditional Pardon 12/12/1859 -
There are currently no photos for this grave site.
Official Records